Newman - Ella’s admin

Now when we have a working project from the previous parts of the tutorial, we need to actually create the site in the admin interface. While we are there we will also create an article - our very first blog post so that we can actually have something to work with in our templates in the next step of the tutorial.


If you are impatient to start, just play around with the admin to create one instance of ella.core.models.Category to get the root of the web working and then one ella.articles.models.Article published in that category (you might need to create additional model like Author on the way).

First we need some theory on how Ella handles sites, categories and published objects.

Ella sites and categories

Ella was designed to server several sites from a single database. It does so by using Django’s built-in sites framework. The sites app creates a default Site called during the syncdb. Just rename the domain name to relevant value and you will have an ella site, just empty.

Within sites, Ella organizes content into categories. Categories (instances of ella.core.models.Category) are organized in a tree for each site. Every site needs to have exactly one what we call root category - a category without a parent. This category then represents the root of the web (/).

Categories are represented by their tree_path - a path of slugs from root category, for example with categories layout:

Ella Blog
            Django applications
        Typical deployment env

the tree_path values would be:

Category tree_path
Ella Blog  
About about
Technology technology
Concepts technology/concepts
Django technology/django
Django applications technology/django/django-applications
Typical deployment env technology/typical-deployment-env

Category‘s URL is it’s tree_path (which is what makes the root category the root of the site) and every post in Ella belongs to one or more categories, nothing should exist outside of the category tree.

Publishable and Placement

Basic function of Ella is publishing content. Ella itself provides several types of content (Article, Gallery, Quiz, ...) and can be easily extended to add more (just define the model) or used with existing models.

For ease of manipulation and efficiency all content models inherit from ella.core.models.Publishable. This base class has all the fields needed to display a listing of the content object (title, description, slug, photo), basic metadata (category, authors, source) and provides easy access (property target) to the actual instance of the proper class if needed (it holds a reference to it’s ContentType).

By creating a Publishable object alone, the object is not published - it has no URL and cannot be accessed from the frontend. To do that we need to create a Placement for it.

Placement object represents the actual act of publishing - it defines a URL and the time for which the published object will be accessible. There are two types of Placement with slightly different use cases:

  • time-based has URL containing the date of publishing and should be used for objects that have some relevance to date (most of the content presumably since Ella was designed to power magazines and news sites). The URL of an object published by time-based Placement will look like:


    so for example:

  • static Placement has no date in it’s URL and should be used for objects with universal validity. Since the absence of date limits the namespace for such objects we do not recommend using those for large amount of objects. URL of static placements contain word ‘static’ instead of the date information:


content_type_name in the URL schema represents slugified translated version of the model’s verbose_name_plural.

Creating a Placement for some Publishable object makes it visible (starting from publish_from) but doesn’t make it appear in any listing in any Category. For that you need to specify in which categories you want it listed.


The distinction between a Publishable object, it’s Placement and Listing is hidden in the admin interface where everything is presented to the user in one form. It is an implementation detail whose understanding helps with understanding Ella’s capabilities and limitations.


ella.core.models.Listing instances carry the information on which Placements (since an object can have multiple Placements in multiple categories on multiple sites, Listing binds to the Placement and not to the object directly) should be listed in which Category and when - it enables users to list the object in as many categories as they wish at arbitrary times (but not sooner that the Placement.publish_from).

By default listings in the root category only contain Listings specifically targeted there whereas listings for any subcategory also contains all the listings of it’s subcategories. This is a model we found most useful when working with large sites where the site’s homepage needs to be controlled closely by editors and the interim categories only serve as aggregators of all the content published in them either directly or via a subcategory.

Creating a site

Now you should have enough information to be able to start exploring Ella’s admin (found on /newman/) and create your own site and it’s first post. You will know that you were succesful if you manage to create and publish an article whose URL gives you a TemplateDoesNotExist exception upon accessing - that means we are ready to create some templates which is the last thing we need to get our site running.

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Setting up Ella

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Basic templates

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